Since the regular MARC field you need to use always appears in 880 $6, you can use very direct literal replacements. The data you wish to keep appears to always begin at 880 $a. No regular expression is actually necessary. Just take out the unneeded characters, and replace them with the "real" MARC tag and appropriate indicators.
Assuming from your example that all records have a personal author, I would try this series of commands, which if this is a job you will periodically repeat, can be saved into an automated Task List.
Find: =880 1\$6100-01/{dollar}1
Replace with =100 1\
[x] Match case
Find: =880 10$6245-02/{dollar}1
Replace with =245 10
[x] Match case
Find: =880 \\$6250-03/{dollar}1
Replace with =250 \\
[x] Match case
Find: =880 \\$6260-04/{dollar}1
Replace with =260 \\
[x] Match case
Find: =880 \0$6440-05/{dollar}1
Replace with =440 \0
[x] Match case
Find: =880 1\$6700-06/{dollar}1
Replace with =700 1\
[x] Match case
In case you have some records the file with title main entry, you might include an additional replacement, just as a precaution:
Find: =880 00$6245-02/{dollar}1
Replace with =245 00
[x] Match case
Doug Rippey
Cataloging Technician IV
Penrose Library Serials Dept.
303.668.7669 (mobile)
University of Denver
-----Original Message-----
From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Chiu-Hsun, Lin
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 2:15 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [MARCEDIT-L] Ask help for regular expression or other solutions
Dear sir,
I have a difficult task to edit marc file for chinese materials, I need to
change field 880 to its original field.
Could anyone help to teach me how to resolve this problem..
Thanks a lot!
For example:
=880 1\$6100-01/{dollar}1$a王澍,$d1668-1743.
=880 10$6245-02/{dollar}1$a王澍书论 /$c吴胜注评.
=880 \\$6250-03/{dollar}1$a第1版.
=880 \\$6260-04/{dollar}1$a南京 :$b江苏美术出版社,$c2008.
=880 \0$6440-05/{dollar}1$a中国古代书法理论研究丛书
=880 1\$6700-06/{dollar}1$a吴胜.
I need to replace marc format to below list:
=100 1\$a王澍,$d1668-1743.
=245 10$a王澍书论 /$c吴胜注评.
=250 \\$a第1版.
=260 \\$a南京 :$b江苏美术出版社,$c2008.
=440 \0$a中国古代书法理论研究丛书
=700 1\$a吴胜.
Chiu-Hsun Lin
Department of Cataloging
National Taiwan University Libray
1 Sec.4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. 10617
Tel: +886-2-3366-2318
Fax: +886-2-2369-3601
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