I've a csv file prepared for the Delimited Text Translator which I now want to convert to .mrk.
All works fine with just one exception: After finishing the task and opening the file in the MarcEditor I find the record sorted by field tags. This would be nice, saving me a manual step, only there are some fields that, like 700, are repeatable in a MARC record. To stay with 700 as an example: these multiple fields come from my csv in an order reflecting the order of 1st, 2nd, 3rd author. Of course, in my MARC record these must remain in that order, even though sometimes the 2nd author's name might be alphabetically before the 1rst, or the 3rd before 1st and/or 2nd.
With .mrk records generated by MarcBreaker, I usually find the fields in them not sorted at first, which gives me the opportunity to sort them manually via the MarcEditor Custom Sort function which allows me to exclude certain fields from sorting, so I can exclude my 700 field and thus keep the authors' names in their right order.
So my question is: Is there any way to prevent the Delimited Text Translator from automatically sorting all fields while converting? I would be happy to do the sorting afterwards as described.
Thanks for any suggestions!
Best regards,
Anke Bruns M.A. (LIS)
Arbeitsgruppe "Anwendungs- und Informationssysteme"
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