I guess the challenge with using vocabularies like this one is that the vocabulary isn't setup for us in library systems. In general, I can develop workflows, but there are some simple things the vocabulary provider could do to make this process a lot easier -- especially if there is a desire to create the necessary broader/variant references (which I think there are). Currently, the process of just providing a URI isn't going to work in most concepts. I reworked the XSLT -- it works generally in XSLT 3 -- but introducing this makes the process really, really fragile. Ideally, the vocabulary provider could fix this with a simple change - unmasking the data in the uri -- so that you see something like this:
"skos:hasTopConcept": [
"@id": "http://secure-web.cisco.com/1pDLojAVFg7_PShSf4euXPR90tPFgKU3R8K3HeWb-7ySGbGhO6upvxNPxw7uKMiPw3YsHWXPpKCa8X-8eNbHUmmY9Mt0mx0GHZfj8C7FJXlsfya5K7Mqa3opksADechyifSMBMsfCF9qNao8yi8-WUUm1NJ8Z_RbwFje64Pgu0H0Sg4oY02Jwlrh6evVGf2tWV8v8d00vgEpFdE4K7f3B4kBCnPZt-z4ydIHtI6bhaNt3HrfDQsy48I97OdZNOuSoYGOFdl68MbyH4bnLhsT0dwduxjx50zl2LCT9pnoNM9bzimCppxfSZ8CPRi453Beo43g4IhlRoE2JclyvAlK8gXJ-d0BiyLLAU2BJwh7XiU5xWj5wxiF_9LccWartqJ5WSGE3e__B4LSwgHLXowkFreo4QScK82TOrKQzyhJOqtuCesRltqmAo728Y00CGVKAl_sEcb6KEFWVvJibySEFfQ/http%3A%2F%2Fhomosaurus.org%2Fv2%2FmedicalCare",
"skos:preLabel":"Medical Care"
This wouldn't fundamentally change the model, and by unmasking the data, they would make the data easier to consume. This is going to be true of any linked data source - when working with the data -- resolution will need to happen somewhere. In this case, it would make sense for the unmasking to happen on their end as it means less stress on their infrastructure. If the data isn't unmasked, a single record would require, typically, 5 queries to the vocabulary. Individually, that's not a big deal. At scale, it starts to become expensive.
I reached out to the individuals that manage the vocabulary with some suggestions on a couple of changes that would make the data easier for libraries to consume on the fly (as I doubt many organizations will host the vocabularies 100% locally).
-----Original Message-----
From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Rachel Fischer
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2021 10:40 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [MARCEDIT-L] converting homosaurus to a marc authority record
Hi Terry,
Thank you so much for your interest in this. I think there is going to be a growing interest in Homosaurus since the most recent CORE IG week sessions on diversity, equity, and inclusion in metadata. I work for a public library consortia that will be discussing and voting on the addition of it as an acceptable thesaurus for the catalog in the next couple of months. As more libraries use it, it will be in more OCLC records.
Rachel Fischer
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