February 2014


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Terry Reese <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 27 Feb 2014 17:35:48 -0500
text/plain (85 lines)
Hi Lisa, 

This is one of the challenges of using Dublin Core when harvesting (though,
this is often the only choice).  MarcEdit's regular Dublin Core crosswalk
will capture data from all included Dublin Core elements (the core 16,
including contributor) -- so my guess is that if you looked at the OAI data
being exported, my guess is one of two things is happening.  
1) The data is in the OAI stream.  This happens a lot in DSpace.  When you
create new fields in a profile, you have to go to the configuration are and
create a mapping to DC and MODs.  This is because these custom fields don't
fit well into the DC spec.  If when looking at the OAI stream, you see the
data, then...
2) MarcEdit uses the dc name space, as this is the documented namespace for
oai_dc.  So, it would be looking for data like: dc:contributor.  If your
data was in a different format -- it wouldn't be seen.

Since I don't know what your server address is, I can't look at the data you
are getting back from Digital Commons, but my guess is that its likely the
data you are looking for isn't in the stream.

So, what about Qualified DC?  That's a different animal all together, in
part, because there is no standard way to represent it.  You will see
representations that look like: dc:coverage.spatial, dct:spatial,
dcq:spatial, etc.  These differences make it difficult to create an all in
one crosswalk to deal with DCQ data.  Now, the MarcEdit XSLT stylesheets are
provided in MarcEdit and you can certainly use them as a template to expand,
but in terms of me providing a default DCQ crosswalk, that's hard to do
because it's only going to work for a very specific segment of the
population, whose servers output DCQ in the format that I decided to

If you have questions though or would like me to take a look at the data
stream, I'm more than willing.


-----Original Message-----
From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Lisa Bodenheimer
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 1:50 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [MARCEDIT-L] OAI harvester question

Hi, Terry,
I have a question about the OAI harvester function. I have been testing
MarcEdit as a way to pull OAI metadata for ETDs from our IR, which is
Digital Commons, and convert it to MARC records for our catalog. 

In my testing, I've noticed that using Dublin Core as the metadata type (and
its corresponding crosswalk) gets me only some of the metadata that I want.
Specifically, I want to include the thesis advisor (or contributor) in my
MARC records. According to what I know (which isn't a lot-I'm new at this),
the contributor name is part of qualified Dublin Core. 

Assuming that what we get is governed by the crosswalk, is it possible to
create either:
a crosswalk that allows both unqualified and qualified Dublin Core to be
pulled from the IR and converted; or, a function within the harvester that
allows for retrieval of all Dublin Core metadata associated with an item?

If this is possible, I would like to suggest that as an enhancement for

Thanks very much for considering this. 

Lisa Bodenheimer
Team Leader, Standards Management and Assessment Technical Services &
Collection Management R.M. Cooper Library Clemson University Clemson, SC
864-656-1769 (voice)
864-656-0758 (fax)
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