Not sure if there are Terms of Use issues but there are ways to obtain edition information from OCLC. If there are no
legal issues and if you were able to export oclc and or ISBN numbers you could pull all the editions for those records
and obtain the desired information.
On 3/18/2011 11:35 AM, Tina Herman Buck wrote:
> Hi Hans,
> Yeah, my fall-back position is to output to Excel and use the conditional data formatting to find dups. I was just
> hoping for that more automated solution. But I'm glad to hear that the Excel method has worked for you. It sounds like
> that's the way we'll go, too.
> Best,
> Tina
> Tina Herman Buck
> Technical Services Librarian
> Scarborough-Phillips Library
> St. Edward's University
> 3001 South Congress Ave.
> Austin, Texas 78704
> 512-464-8825 (voice)
> 512-448-8737 (fax)
> [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
> On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 3:53 AM, Hans BKK <[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 5:27 AM, Tina Herman Buck <[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I'm looking for a way to find multiple editions of the same title in our
> > catalog. Can MarcEdit do some kind of title or author/title comparison if I
> > output a few thousand records at a time?
> > Thanks,
> > Tina
> I don't know how MarcEdit can help with this other than the
> data-manipulation pieces, e.g. Marc to CSV conversion.
> What I do is export the relevant fields to a CSV file (many ILSs will
> do this directly) and bring it into a spreadsheet, then do various
> sorts and scan through the records manually. I find I can get through
> many thousands of records in a few hours with pretty good accuracy.
> The critical factor is the consistency of your data - for collections
> that haven't made proper use of Authorities, I've run across issues
> with author first/last name order (search for commas and flip those),
> and sometimes I've had to search/delete stopwords in the titles to get
> them right. Sidenote - which makes me think, perhaps an export based
> your ILS' z3950 indexing would help with those kinds of issues?
> In order to do better job than a human, an automated "data deduping"
> program would need to have elements of AI (anyone know of anything
> like this please speak up!), unless you were happy to only get hits on
> exact matches - which Excel can automate for you anyway.
> But it's amazing how good the human/eye brain is at pattern
> recognition, just don't try to do it for more than a couple of hours
> at a time. . .
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