January 2016


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"Ehlert, Mark K." <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 30 Jan 2016 02:15:56 +0000
text/plain (34 lines)
On Jan 29, 2016, at 2:50 PM, Benjamin A Abrahamse <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I would use the "Edit subfield" tool:
> Field: 300
> Subfield: a
> Field data: a(.+)\s(.)
> Replace with: 1 online resource ($1) $2
> Use regular expressions: TRUE
> The regex will grab the pagination statement and the final ISBD punctuation, then reinsert them into the subfield along with the text, "1 online resource”.

Since only some records have the pagination extent, a step to perform before this is to extract those records that lack “1 online resource” in the 300 $a into a separate file.  Push the buttons Ben outlines above on that file, then merge the two files together.  This way you don’t double-up the “online resource” extent in already correct 300 fields.

Alternatively, there may be a way to use the “Perform Find/Replace If…”(?) field for one-stop editing without the split and merge steps, but I can’t experiment at the moment.

Mark K. Ehlert                 O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library
Cataloging and Metadata        University of St. Thomas
  Librarian                    2115 Summit Avenue
Phone: 651-962-5488            St. Paul, MN 55105

  "Experience is by industry achieved // And perfected by
the swift course of time"--Shakespeare, "Two Gentlemen of
Verona," Act I, Scene iii


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