January 2016


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Bryan Baldus <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 4 Jan 2016 20:35:27 +0000
text/plain (43 lines)
After updating to the current (6.2.5845.43034; 1/2/2016 11:54:30 PM) version of MarcEdit, when I ran a file of 20 records through the Validate Headings option, with checks on Authorize 1xx/7xx fields, Authorize 6xx field, Only process Subfield A, I received a results box:

Validation Results:
Process completed in: 1.46658333333333 minutes. 
Average Response Time from LC: 1.05728915662651
Total Records: 0
Records with Invalid Headings: 0
1xx Headings Found: 13
6xx Headings Found: 66
7xx Headings Found: 13
1xx Headings Not Found: 2
6xx Headings Not Found: 0
7xx Headings Not Found: 9
1xx Variants Found: 0
6xx Variants Found: 0
7xx Variants Found: 0
Total Unique Headings Queried: 83
Found in Local Cache: 20

However, I do not see the not founds listed in the report, and don't see the option (that used to be on, was it the initial Validate Headings pane?) that would export the not founds. How do I determine which headings we're found?

I re-ran the program, choosing to Generate Brief Personal Name Authorities (a nice-looking feature, potentially). That time, 1 minimal authority record was generated (for one of the headings I knew from previous experience needs to be established).

I re-ran the program with the option to Delete the Local Cache, but the results were the same as above.

Thank you,

Bryan Baldus
Senior Cataloger
Quality Books Inc.
The Best of America's Independent Presses
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