June 2019


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Nancy Haight <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 5 Jun 2019 13:34:05 +0000
text/plain (29 lines)
Are you sure you're opening the correct file?  (I just had a similar experience, but had grabbed the first file I found (the original) without checking to see that it was in the correct location)  

You may want to upgrade to the latest version- MarcEdit 7 has been out for a while and many of the earlier version problems have been eliminated.
Best of luck,
Nancy Haight
Electronic Records Cataloging Specialist
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT

-----Original Message-----
From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Judith MacNeil
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2019 5:47 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [MARCEDIT-L] Failure to save edits

Has anyone else experienced this and is there a way to fix it?

I am using Version: 3.1.65
I edit a batch of bibs, I see the changes made. It looks good.
When I open the file again, none of my edits are being kept.


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