June 2016


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Joseph Frawley <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 29 Jun 2016 14:27:23 -0400
text/plain (19 lines)
This question may be slightly off topic, as not directly related to the Marc Edit software, but I'm hoping I can find some help from those more knowledegable than I about marc record structure.

We have identified a large group of records in our database that fail to load when we export them to our discovery layer/catalog. The reason is the record length, and usually has to do with the last portion of the leader, position 20-23.  

Library of Congress' documentation on MARC 21 communications format indicates that pos. 20-23 ends with "4500".  But is this always the case?  Is there ever a valid reason for it to contain anything else?  And what do the digits 4500 signify?

We are considering doing a global data change to correct all these records that do not end in 4500 in the leader, but I want to understand the implications of that, and wonder if I could possibly be doing harm without really understanding what I am correcting and why.

Thanks to anyone for any insights,

Joe Frawley
Connecticut College
Phone: 860-439-2670
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