October 2020


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Lisa Hatt <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 13 Oct 2020 16:09:22 -0700
text/plain (48 lines)
On 10/12/2020 3:39 PM, Adam Cios wrote:

> I can confirm remove duplicate data works in task lists. I have it
> setup for 6** and some more specific tags like 830 and it works
> fine.

I will preface this by saying that this does not seem to be affecting 
actual *function* in a task list for me. I didn't even notice this until 
seeing these posts, because the tasks I have that delete duplicate 
fields are doing so as expected. But I can confirm the odd checkbox 
behavior with Add Field Options > Insert before and Delete Field Options 
 > Remove Duplicate Data checkboxes getting checked simultaneously in a 
Delete Field task in a task list. Windows MarcEdit 7.2.220, if it matters.

When first adding the task to the list, the checkboxes are mutually 
exclusive (as they are if I invoke the Add/Delete Field Utility from the 
MarcEditor Tools menu). The initial state is that Add Field Options > 
Insert before is checked (even if I explicitly selected "Add Delete 
Field Task"), but when I check Remove Duplicate Data, Insert before 
becomes automatically unchecked, and vice versa.

But once I have added the task to the list, if I then reopen it to edit 
it, both boxes are checked, and unchecking either one unchecks them 
both. I can then recheck Remove Duplicate Data and close - and this does 
not simultaneously recheck Insert before, so it's not quite that they 
have become linked together as "both on or both off" instead of "only 
one on at a time", but if I edit the task again, Insert before is back.

However, dinking around with the state of the Insert before box on a 
Delete Field task and then closing the task list without saving is not 
giving a prompt from MarcEdit that "the task list appears to have 
changed" (which it does if I change anything in the Delete Field 
Options). I don't really know how to read the task list directly, but a 
line for deleting duplicate 655 fields still reads "DELETE 655 [blank] 0 
True False False False False" regardless of the state of the "Insert 
before" box. (Which makes sense to me - if the task is a Delete Field 
task I would expect the Add Field options to simply be ignored, 
regardless of what they may be set to.)

Lisa Hatt
Cataloging | DeAnza College Library
[log in to unmask] | 408-864-8459


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