If you're working with R2 e-books, my heart goes out to you. If you aren't familiar with R2, you probably don't want to know. 😊
To delete the $q, try the Add/Delete Field Utility (F7 in Windows). Put 020 in the field, $q as the field data, assuming you want to remove every $q field. If not, put $q[data you want to remove].
If you want to change the $z into $a, I'd recommend a simple search and replace: search for =020 \\$z, replace it with =020 \\$a. The $z field is for an obsolete ISBN, though--is that what you want to do?
And if I'm wrong, I hope someone will correct me.
Fred King, MSLS, AHIP
Medical Librarian, MedStar Washington Hospital Center
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Authors are more interested in publishing than readers are in reading.
--Vitek Tracz
-----Original Message-----
From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Jean Pierre Lupien
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 11:22 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [MARCEDIT-L] field 020 $a $z $q
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I have a bunch of records for electronic books
Most of them have both ISBN with according subfield $q, «Livre numérique» and «Livre imprimé» Like this :
=020 \\$a9782130816188$qlivre numérique
=020 \\$z9782130624295$qlivre imprimé
But some others have only the print ISBN
=020 \\$z9782130800781$qlivre imprimé
For the records with only one ISBN, is it possible to change $z in $a and erase $q ?
I tried to find similar demands on the List, but I couldn't find anything
Thank tou for your help,
Jean Pierre Lupien
Collège Montmorency
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