I'm working on my first batch of OAI harvested records (my first harvest??) and I don't know whether my problem is my ignorance or just the repository being a jerk. I can't get the harvester to return any records. No error message, it just says there are no records to be had. But I know there are records because I can get a list in my web browser:
So I want to get two communities of records from WorldBank: books and serials. The vendor said I should "reformat and append the handle of the community (the number in the URL following the format 10986/####) to a GetRecord query."
that wasn't matching with the MARCedit screen, so eventually I figured out the server address is (I think) is:
And the collections are
I've tried com_10986_4 and col_10986_4 (to match the vendor's example) but neither worked. I also tried a bunch of other dumb stuff like putting dashes and forward-slashes instead of underscores.
I tried https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/ for the server address but then I got an XML error.
They are Dublin Core records.
Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?
Emily Croft
Armacost Library
University of Redlands
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