-----Original Message-----
From: Reese, Terry P.
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 3:34 PM
To: 'Cab Vinton'; AUTOCAT
Subject: RE: [ACAT] MarcEdit Workshop
Hi Cab and all,
The good folks at CARLI reached out to me letting me know that they would be happy to make the webinars that I've been creating for them available to the larger community. These are being done over the course of the next two months, and will be slightly modified to anonymize attendees and possibly edit Q/A questions since these were not originally intended for the general public-- but hopefully these will be helpful for new users or folks interested in learning about some of MarcEdit's functionality.
I'll be making these videos (there will be five one hour sessions in all) available via my YouTube channel -- likely as a Virtual Workshop for those interested.
Finally, as they are posted and made available -- if you find these useful, please reach out to Jennifer Masciadrelli and the folks at CARLI and thank them for being willing to make this content available. They were actually the ones that reached out to me last week and asked if I'd be willing to make their webinars available to the larger community given the interest that has been expressed.
-----Original Message-----
From: Cab Vinton [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2015 9:30 AM
To: AUTOCAT; Reese, Terry P.
Subject: Re: [ACAT] MarcEdit Workshop
On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 10:58 AM, Reese, Terry P. <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> You can find a variety of tutorials on YouTube. I think I've
> currently posted around 70 videos
Terry, I wonder if you posted you an outline of a workshop/ course, whether we couldn't crowdsource a suggested sequence for the YouTube videos? Or perhaps simply a more user-friendly entry point to the videos? (i.e., videos classified based on the workshop outline)
Librarians like classification schemes :-)
Cab Vinton, Director
Plaistow Public Library
Plaistow NH
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