December 2011


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"Reese, Terry" <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 6 Dec 2011 14:40:58 -0800
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When I return from my trip, I'd like to find a few folks that can test a few new features.  First, the Dedup tool which dedups against multiple files (not just two, but as many as you want) -- and the second -- I need someone that uses the XML functions a lot.  I'm in the process of integrating something I've been working on for a while...bringing Saxon processing to MARCXML.  Right now, MarcEdit uses DOM for all XML processes, which means that if a file is large enough, you may run out of memory and be unable to process the file.  By making marcxml a sax process, it should mean that you could process a marcxml file of any size.  Since this came up in a question today (someone looking to process a 19GB MarcXML file), I thought I'd finish some work I've been doing for a while to bring the sax processing into the MarcEngine.  Of course, the size issues will still be in effect when doing crosswalks because crosswalks will always use the DOM XSLT processing.  But this will make MARCXML processing faster and likely make the processing of XSLT crosswalks even faster because you'll no longer have a DOM translation between MARCXML and MARC.

However, since the XML changes are big, I'd like some folks that use XML functions so I can get some feedback.  

I'll be setting up testing next week (when I return), so contact me privately if you are interested.




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