Hi Terry Just wondering if this is a possible enhancement. One of our daily routine tasks is to batch process a whole batch of files - from .mrc to .mrk format. [Before adding in some custom stuff from a 3rd party database around item records, and then zipping them up into .mrc again] But they need to be saved in .mrk format for this to work. I know that I can do this via batch process, and I believe it's possible to automate this via command line. But I've never used command line, so there's a steep learning curve for me, if I need to. Having now happily used the file watcher to automate a whole variety of tasks (my overworked self, and assistants thank you, sincerely), I'm wondering if it would be possible to specify the output format for the FW tasks as being either .mrc or .mrk for each task. The file watcher task does everything that I want (specify the origin file, destination file, retains the file name, etc.), it's just not currently possible to specify that the resulting file be in .mrk format (or, if it is, I haven't figured out how). Thanks for your consideration Ann Ryan Cataloguing Manager - Development Wheelers http://secure-web.cisco.com/1cAlVP0lFwQBZMYUe7rSVlc4rB2D-EpDJZ9SooVYOnyeKMeK97LYjfSu4REMvjJkJ0ZCFPA8H169Cea0scoUDi1P-oZuzmHLlucIlPhwDsRX0LTbA-LlOjcecksdUUhFZzx8w64WtzEfvi0DmS7m16gJhsMT2oke7UDJoxSXMjo__FU27ZQn83zHBn95qkg77HrdCE_ryF8j87u1SngqZQB1GDPAXaW9nbJhU-hX74lYqd2Mp73cwXdcQpi2106KiO28e_koeIH9AtF78QlrvV66zKaDcXqlDb_8ttrXZhRvzOU-lriaE8J1VAdpUc0cd70CbzDqN1Xa4a5_Rx7VKIvdRQFhbzCKU4dVUnHPdpwrk69FAeuX3ReHPVYxkk5osUTZqR40fo3taFRPWF-tWppcnctOQrdk9kl08kz5AdhJoCtXtUf3mIeOaSpb5IPL4XZ-sjsd6e5cnqiahizRIBw/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wheelers.co.nz http://secure-web.cisco.com/19QF6bF2dsAPO1YOSUwi4aTxhiZeFa9-y_Tm106sHWO9KWiCxL3KU_E2lQTs_k_c5Df7tpfYukIzKh1jrSDCin6lb6BVd8SQVe4oODl8ybS-_m0w7El7Kw7lmtlZSSgt6NzGbO2Z7giiRMTu1rhpPNc84fQgBr_S39ed2J0kw9MXfQDsIWCTQce1dHXUvwLDyrdsXJ0BcabCE1XNvUg1v_s5Zq1ct4mdDOPWkLeFC4GbewcwYYkULmghKFVphhAsFCL26hK6d_R_RmONn95tvw02DL1-oYmo2SoZFdLwxfuZdbAHjLbNyRf1cYfj3p257KBVstK4N1o4cMmrX3cWzbv8ox9lRLYnS8zyRbdEtPZLa4dLFRtwqaU0aq64nSSbjMLZptvQJSzoRBHpZPwbayIIZBbGJEUAlWVOBAfBTQnt9Vzz1Y4R4WKkmuboEUvOXFomP0fO3mM9wpoyvT2rmjA/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eplatform.co P +64 9 479 7979 EXT 222 F +64 9 479 7949 211 Wairau Rd, Glenfield PO Box 305404, Triton Plaza, Auckland 0757 [log in to unmask] ________________________________________________________________________ This message comes to you via MARCEDIT-L, a Listserv(R) list for technical and instructional support in MarcEdit. If you wish to communicate directly with the list owners, write to [log in to unmask] To unsubscribe, send a message "SIGNOFF MARCEDIT-L" to [log in to unmask]