August 2010


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Jim Taylor <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 30 Aug 2010 17:12:01 -0500
text/plain (70 lines)
  Didn't realize my post was going to cause such a stir :-)

I didn't read Terry's post as meaning he was going to create a huge gap between updates and posting them and I am sure 
that if there was a major problem he would make an update available.  His problem is that he asked the question.  My 
point was that if he simply posted an update twice a month on the same day of the month we would never have noticed and 
wouldn't have cared.  He could have met the requested need and we would not have been the wiser and I doubt we would 
have suffered for the change.  Personally I don't care either way as I am confident he will take care of us with either 


On 8/30/2010 4:35 PM, Yael Mandelstam wrote:
> Jim, et al.,
> I am a very heavy user of MarcEdit (I know, it sounds like I'm addicted -- and indeed I am). When I'm in a middle of a 
> job that is not getting done because of some bug, it's really nice to have access to the fix as soon as it becomes 
> available. We are very fortunate that Terry is so amazingly responsive to this community and is continuously 
> revising the software, so I would consider it a step back if I had to wait for monthly updates.
> Yael
> ****************************
> Yael Mandelstam
> Head of Cataloging
> Fordham University School of Law
> Leo T. Kissam Memorial Library
> 140 West 62nd Street
> New York, NY 10023-7485
> Phone: 212.636.7971
> Fax: 212.930.8818
> E-mail: [log in to unmask]
> >>> Jim Taylor <[log in to unmask]> 8/30/2010 11:56 AM >>>
>   I'm can't see why it would matter to those who don't care about a schedule as you could have already been doing it and
> we probably wouldn't have noticed :-)
> Jim
> > I have a quick question. Since MarcEdit generally is updated once or twice a month, I was wondering if folks would
> > like updates to be scheduled at a regular period each month. I've had a few folks that manage large installations that
> > had said that having something akin to a patch Tuesday would make management easier - so I thought I'd see if this was
> > something folks generally would find useful.
> >
> > --TR
> >
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