February 2010


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Kristina Spurgin <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mon, 1 Feb 2010 17:21:29 -0500
text/plain (40 lines)
Reese, Terry wrote:
> What you have here isn't a replacement that I'd do with a regular
> expression.  ...
> ... Where regular expressions work best
> are for grouping matches, backreferences, etc.  

I used that example only because it's very close to what I found in the 
MarcEdit Web documentation at:

I figure that if I can't get the simple example in the documentation to 
work, I'd better figure out why before beating my head against an actual 
complex problem. :-)

After breaking the help page out of its frame to get the url, it is 
clear the Web documentation is for version 4.5, and the regexp doc page 
in the help file installed locally for 5.2 supersedes the example given 
in the Web documentation.

 > expression.  When using Regular expressions, you should utilize the
 > Microsoft Regex documentation.

I think this (and the MarcEdit version documented in the Web 
help--unclear when you drop in from Google!) are the key things I needed 
to know to move forward.

Thanks for your time and apologies for cluttering up the list with such 
a simple question.


Kristina Spurgin
E-Resources Cataloger | E-Resources & Serials Management
UNC Chapel Hill | CB#3938, Davis Library | Chapel Hill, NC 27514-8890
[log in to unmask] | (919) 962-2050 | ext. 357


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