October 2010


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Doug Rippey <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 15 Oct 2010 19:46:17 -0600
text/plain (36 lines)

This would be an interesting informational report, but as far as extracting a subset, I would be more likely to use that if it broke down the Material types further, especially "books" and continuing resources in various formats.  I can always write a regex looking at 008, 245 $h, 533, etc. but a shortcut never hurts.

If that's too much to manage at this point, maybe you could just add a right click on an individual Material type report line that reveals more granularity.  For instance, how many of those "books" are on paper, on fiche, on disc, on portable memory or online?  A bit like right clicking a line in the field count report to go beyond the gross count of occurrences for that MARC tag to reveal indicator, subfield and record counts as well.

If not, here's when I might use a direct extract function (though there are already other tools available in MARCEdit):

Example 1:  to parse ERIC files from Marcive, pulling out records that describe microfiche reproductions (only indexing and abstracts are currently online), from those that describe electronic reproductions with full text now available online.  

Example 2:  to parse Springer files from OCLC, pulling out records that describe electronic reproductions from those that describe online resources (we've gotten "redundant descriptions" for the same recent online title issued simultaneously in print, retrievable on the same DOI, on different OCLC numbers, but not considered "duplicate records" by OCLC standards because only one has a 533 reproduction note).

Thanks for all your continuing work (and imagination)!

From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters [[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Reese, Terry [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 4:21 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [MARCEDIT-L] question about new reporting function

I had a need to quickly get a report of the Material types in a large batch file.  So I added a Material Type Report that generates a short report that tells me what types of records are in my file.  A screen shot is below.  Quick question, I don’t have the need to then pull out a sorted set of those records (though, if I did, I’d have just used Find All and then used a regular expression) – but at this point, I suppose I could add the ability to click on the results and extract a subset of the batch file by material type.  Before I add it though, I want to know if anyone will use it.  My guess is that the material type reporting is likely generic enough that folks may find a use for it.  However, the other, I’m not as sure about.




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