Hello all, I am having a similar problem to James Staub and thought I would ask here for any suggestions. I am trying to build a RegEx to move 856$z to a $3 and to move the $3 to before the $u. Original 856s look like this: =856 40$uhttps://wayback.archive-it.org/10181/*/https://secure-web.cisco.com/1yXzNB47Q2Q7wJN_Yry6xBi17_DK71B4OxB1cVqUG9ndkvwyX6ugxPOe9PVL6MJchhgEepITGonqoU_XrJJQo9C9BJerHj6WegN9PxqOGKRzVOjlTvknx4YwBDr_kUv98R7Te5zQ2YH3KVLljd8atkk-zlV6PG1qV5yCIF5cwcWLHHWaRrKPdgnSvbYmQo0Gyxax7db5kMaAs1HA5hW3rdgxg_6JW4al00zLWhaGJa0fqkC2dzprs0KNU0_fueO9IV1aTymrODFrbKJtIuk9AbZErYjV_VOQzicYpsYnZGYOA-rUCPSQgyNiPU0PYM2l6qUkbpkbyoP1behVresNX9UrKahRSxmNPrxVDx0OQDJZes4ljG2ezJxm_3gw0-dPzM3gLfiCCkXPVVRR6KflaoF_hoMC_7zaQLQLzZMXnIEeRBTQRkL3ufzvC1YaAc4xk/https%3A%2F%2Felizabethpich.com%2F%24zArchived site I have tried several different methods and the best I can come up with is this: Find: (=856.{4})(\$u.*)(\$z)(.*) Replace: $1$a$4$2 Which transforms the 856 to this: =856 40\$aArchived site$uhttps://wayback.archive-it.org/10181/*/https://secure-web.cisco.com/1kDwkX_eG2ovuH_RBvnNctZ10W14yOCpuEYAhCwZNjgtl9FhZhU4hFCkHImjTXnnZ6Y3jZ3kWacwNIap5e3gbdnjVA5-Yt9CQXQL1HumcP08rYJ7WtvVv_nxZb3Y_kvDtgl6NbX7AaOqvzeDf9E6MpBATgDCZWyqvVneVKnpC8JVsRjNSQRFIEXHafe0h_LjJEapZf3QiXCkhtPabpU--3sEdhZzuUBawSphvuCbPbhdSLA5DDOR7mXM4iYe6MVcaIP37qa0CCXBcvkYyI3H_ghpJX3TmImnSxkKv8SEKaNs0B5SV51Y-relPNk2eB2nDQ27WMMYbuOiZxc2_aKvgzy8KprBvFCXIyLVIaNhgDaa_K3lxD8Lfmh4DBvJOHIcZRtTlD-3hEoxhT-O2HztgRLxzIrrrvWnjRF7h2Rgl9Nx5NSPkgAwuhwZ1Fkwyfdk9/https%3A%2F%2Felizabethpich.com%2F Then I change $a to $3 If I try to make the replace field any of these: Replace: $1$3$4$2 (obviously this one will just move the $z to the second position) Replace: $1$\3$4$2 Replace: $1”$3”$4$2 Replace: $1’$3’$4$2 Replace: $1’\$3’$4$2 Or the like, it will not work, giving various results which include the punctuation. Is there a way to get a regular expression using Replace to put the literal text $3 into the string? Or is this a bug/feature that I just need to work around? Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance, Rob Pleshar Rob Pleshar (he/him) | Electronic Resource Metadata Analyst | The University of Chicago Library | [log in to unmask] ________________________________________________________________________ This message comes to you via MARCEDIT-L, a Listserv(R) list for technical and instructional support in MarcEdit. If you wish to communicate directly with the list owners, write to [log in to unmask] To unsubscribe, send a message "SIGNOFF MARCEDIT-L" to [log in to unmask]