June 2011


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William Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 24 Jun 2011 13:22:28 -0400
text/plain (2104 bytes) , dwp-20100128b.mrk (8 kB)
  I am a new user of MarcEdit. Last month I had many problems with changes 
not saved. I finally managed to get the problem batches into our catalog with 
the changes saved. I tried validating the records but I found that almost all of 
the validation problems had to do with text in parentheses after the number in 
the 020, which of course should not be a problem at all. I managed to get 
these batches over without validation but it was just the luck of the draw 
since sometimes the file was saved and sometimes it was not saved. It took 
many hours to get these two batches into our catalog and now I am having 
the same problem with other batches. I am attaching a small batch of only 
four records. The validator wants me to delete everything after the number in 
the 020. I had another batch with 1493 records and it also wanted me to 
delete everything after the numbers in all of the 020 fields! Is there any way 
to turn off the validation since it is not correct in any event. I am thinking of 
trying to find another MarcEdit program since I don't have time to spend half a 
day trying to load a file.
 Here are the steps I followed in editing this file:
   I double clicked on the desired file. I clicked on edit records. I replaced the 
856, deleted the 082, edited the 092, added a 710 if not present. At this point 
I finished editing, so I clicked on Save as and assigned an new name to my 
file. Then  I validated the MARC record, made changes to the record and used 
save as again to replace the old file.      
  Help! I need to get these records into the catalog but I can't spend all day 
trying to get records to comply with bogus validation
   Bill Gibson


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