I wouldn't run MarcEdit through Wine. In terms of Mono versions -- I test on the lastest stable build because that's my preference -- but in general, the current build provided by the distribution would likely work fine. I've been using MarcEdit with Mono without pain for a little over a year and half, so I doubt it would be an issue. The only time having the lastest version of Mono is important is on Mac based systems. There was a problem in the native UI driver that showed up in the 2.6 series -- and I'm not sure if its corrected in the present (long-term stable build).
In terms of yaz -- MarcEdit is compiled on windows against yaz 4 -- however, so long as you use the dll map appropriately, you can link back to yaz 1 because the handful of API I use from Yaz are there from 1-4. So, that's not really an issue. You need to have a version of Yaz -- but MarcEdit should be able to link to whatever version you have regardless. The zlib library is only necessary if you link to it through yaz (and I know most yaz implementations do).
And yes -- when MarcEdit switches to 5.5 -- I'll move a copy of the present 5.2 install to my archived space and provide a link to it. However, as I say -- for the next release (5.5) -- it will already be missing fixes to the Call number generator (oclc classify service), changes to the MarcEngine to protect it from long fields, some validator changes, etc -- so as I've mentioned previously, changes won't be back ported.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Archives and
> Collections Society
> Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 7:28 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [MARCEDIT-L] FYI for the next update
> Terry,
> Many thanks for your reply - and of course all the work you do on MarcEdit.
> Might I request one thing: when you reach the "last" version of MarcEdit that
> will be compatible with the .Net 3 framework, would you please be kind
> enough to advise us so that we can save a complete install package (either
> .exe or .msi)? (At the moment we are on auto-update.)
> We are looking into installing MarcEdit on our production machines (all
> Ubuntu 10.10) as our last foray failed due to something in Wine 1.2.2 - we
> didn't spend much time attempting to dubug but I'm sure we can fix it.
> MarcEdit suggests Mono 2.10, but Ubuntu is limited to Mono 2.6.7 (installed
> as mono-complete (2.6.7-3ubuntu1)); from the Mono site <quote>: Mono is
> considered a "core framework" in Ubuntu, meaning it has many applications
> depending upon it (roughly 40 applications). Due to this, the chance of one of
> those applications breaking due to unexpected changes in their underlying
> framework is considered too high to risk an update. As a result, Mono cannot
> officially be backported in Ubuntu.</quote> Do you think this may be
> problematic?
> Also Yaz (currently 3.0.53) is an intrinsic part of our Koha system. Are there
> likely to be compatibility concerns over version control? (The Koha
> developers appear to be discussing Yaz 4.)
> Finally, zlibc (0.9k-4.1) on Ubuntu is not likely to be problematic.
> Again - thanks,
> Paul
> At 03:20 PM 3/7/2011 -0800, Reese, Terry wrote:
> >Paul,
> >
> >I can understand that -- however, Microsoft is no longer supporting
> >Windows XP SP2, and for good reason. It's one of the last version of
> >Windows that allowed programs to go willy nilly mucking about with the
> >system registry (and other parts of the system). Most tools that don't
> >run on Windows XP SP 3 probably shouldn't have run in the first place.
> >If you develop on Windows, Microsoft does provide a set of best
> >practices that really should be followed to ensure long-term support.
> >Those that broke after Windows XP SP3 (and MarcEdit was one of them),
> >broke because we were not adhering to best practices and likely were using
> the registry
> >to move data between programs, when likely we shouldn't have been. But
> >as you say, there are many and often times Microsoft's compatibility
> >settings simply won't work these types of programs. And while Windows
> >XP
> >SP3 is something you can download for free -- the cost associated with
> >replacing or working around programs that will not work !
> > with it does have a real cost (as you point out).
> >
> >With that said, if I'm going to use .NET (and I'm pretty invested in it
> >both on Windows and 'Nix side) -- then I have to move the application
> >forward. As I say, some of the work I'm doing with OCLC sped this
> >process along -- but regardless, the development roadmap I keep for the
> >program had this moved pegged for June 2011 -- regardless. If you
> >can't (or
> >won't) run a system that supports the version of .NET required
> >(specifically, this is Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile), I'd
> >very much suggest running MarcEdit via Linux. I run the program this
> >way all the time. Updates are more of a manual process (because you
> >have to do it yourself) -- but otherwise it seems to work quite well
> >and I have a YouTube video posted just this weekend that demonstrates
> >how you'd do the install.
> >
> >--TR
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters
> > > [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Archives and
> > > Collections Society
> > > Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 1:56 PM
> > > To: [log in to unmask]
> > > Subject: Re: [MARCEDIT-L] FYI for the next update
> > >
> > > At 09:09 AM 3/7/2011 -0800, Reese, Terry wrote:
> > > [snip]
> > > > Regardless of work I was doing with OCLCs tools, MarcEdit would
> > > >have shifted to the .NET 4.0 framework no later than June. This is
> > > >something that is being done for three reasons:
> > > >1) The .NET 3.0 framework (which MarcEdit currently uses) is over 3
> > > >years old. In many ways, .NET is like Java. As they make changes,
> > > >enhancements, etc., they change the framework number. There are
> > > >simply some enhancements to the framework and some bugs that have
> > > >been
> > > fixed
> > > >that I would like to stop working around. With OCLC announcing
> > > >that Connexion will be moved to .NET Framework 4 that was enough
> > > >for me to decide to make that change.
> > > [snip]
> > >
> > > Terry,
> > >
> > > Unfortunately, there are "system requirements" dictated by Microsoft
> > > - which include SP3 for WinXP. This is something that for various
> > > [security, functional, financial and esoteric] reasons I refuse to
> > > do on the many
> > WinXP
> > > machines that we run at our institution - we decided, over many
> > > years and after a huge expenditure of time and effort on SP3, Vista
> > > and Win7, that WinXP SP2 would be the last Microsoft OS that we
> > > would use while migrating to Linux. This maintains backwards
> > > compatibility with dozens of useful applications that are intrinsic
> > > to our operations, but denies us the
> > possibility
> > > of using MarcEdit 5.5 on the two machines currently using it.
> > >
> > > We have not yet used the Linux version - but will try over the next
> > > few
> > days
> > > and look into staff training requirements. I can only request that,
> > whatever
> > > the importance of OCLC to you and some other users, you maintain the
> > > very high quality of service to the majority. Having been involved
> > > in software development and deployment for more years than I care to
> > > remember, I can assure you that a majority of worldwide users do
> > > *not* follow the Microsoft gravy train when it comes to OS updates and
> the associated licensing.
> > >
> > > Best regards,
> > > Paul
> > > Tired old sys-admin.
> > >
> > > ---
> > > Archives and Collections (ACS) Society 205, Main Street, Picton,
> > > Ontario, K0K 2T0, Canada http://www.AandC.org Canadian Charitable
> > > Organization 88721 9921 RR0001 Dedicated to maritime conservation
> > > and education.
> > >
> > >
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> Archives and Collections (ACS) Society
> 205, Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K 2T0, Canada http://www.AandC.org
> Canadian Charitable Organization 88721 9921 RR0001 Dedicated to maritime
> conservation and education.
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