Hi to all,
this an advise about a course on MarcEdit.
CINECA (http://www.cineca.it/) and EUI (http://www.eui.eu)
organize a FREE course on MarcEdit.
The date: 15-May-2015
Where: Villa Il Poggiolo
Piazza Edison 11
I-50133 Firenze (Italy)
Level: At least a basic knowldge of MarcEdit. It is not a course for
totaly novice, but we do a complete tour on MarcEdit functionalities.
And we go in deep about Regular Expressions
The course will be held in Italian
To book a place: write an email to me.
Zeno Tajoli
Dr. Zeno Tajoli
Dipartimento Gestione delle Informazioni e della Conoscenza
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fax +39 02 2135520
CINECA - Sede operativa di Segrate
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