Hi Doug,
I've tried to add subfield h with your instruction. I can insert GMD
after subfield a, n, p, b and before c successfully now. But there
should be a space between $h[electronic resource] and /$c or :$b if
present. And there should be no space between the last letter of $a and
$h. How could I tidy up the spaces?
-----Original Message-----
From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Doug Rippey
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 12:45 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [MARCEDIT-L] Adding subfield h in proper sequence to 245
This version drops the GMD in before 245 $c and, if present, before 245
$b in MarcEdit 5.0 through 5.2.3719.
In the special Subfield Insert mode, syntax order counts, and is not
always the same as ISBD or AACR2 MARC subfield order:
Field: 245
Subfield: [a,p,n,^c,b]
Field Data: =:/.
Replace with: $h[electronic resource]
For anyone running MarcEdit 4.6, you can use the same setup, except:
Subfield: [a,p,n,^bc]
Doug Rippey, CT-IV
University of Denver
Penrose Library Serials Dept.
doug dot rippey at du dot edu
303-668-7669 (mobile)
-----Original Message-----
From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Chiu-Hsun, Lin
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 7:47 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [MARCEDIT-L] Adding subfield h in proper sequence to 245
I just had tried to use following step for inserting GMD in 245 field,
I can insert GMD after subfield a, n, p, and before c successfully now,
but I failed to insert GMD before subfield b, it alwayse was after
subfield b.
Please help me to recheck my step:
Field 245
Subfield [a,n,p,^b,^c]
Field Data =:/.
Failed marc format in 245:
=245 00$aShort stories for students :$bpresenting analysis, context,
criticism on commonly studied short stories$h[electronic resource] /
$cKathleen Wilson, Editor.
Chiu-Hsun, Lin
Dep.of Cataloging, National Taiwan University
1, Sec. 4. Roosevelt Rd. Taipei, Taiwan
Tel: 886-2-33662318
Email: [log in to unmask]
On Wed, 3 Mar 2010 12:53:08 -0800, Reese, Terry
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>This is from the help file:
>Conditional Subfield Insert:
>Special Subfield characters: []^
>When inserting certain subfield data, like the GMD, AACR2 has a number
rules regarding the placement of the subfield data. In the current
of MarcEdit, users could append a new subfield to the end of an existing
one -- but for data like the GMD, which is inserted after the $a, $n$p,
and before the $c, this method wouldn't work. So I've added a new
insertion syntax (see below):
>1) Field: Enter the field that you wish to modify.
>2) Subfield: This is the biggest change. Subfields need to be
so that the MarcEditor can apply the insertion rules to the data. So
the GMD as an example, the subfield data would be the following:
Breaking this down.
> * Brackets []: This groups the arguments together. When using
function, data must always be bracketed.
> * ^: This tells the MarcEdit to insert the data before a specific
> * a,p: Tells the MarcEditor to do the following: Insert subfield
data before subfield P. If subfield P is not present, insert data before
subfield a.
> * ^c: Tell the MarcEditor to insert subfield data before subfield
c. Please note -- this argument is only valid as a secondary argument --
i.e., the MarcEditor will not accept the following argument: [^c].
>3) Field Data: When in this mode, Field data is used to note
that should not be included when calculating field data.
>4) Replace With: This is the subfield (or data) to insert.
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