Just copy the one you want to keep, paste it into Notepad or something,
delete all of the 007s, and then globally add the one you copied.
Joe Tomich
UW-Milwaukee Libraries.
Padma Palakodety wrote:
> I have two sets of 007 fields in my marc records for ebooks . I would
> like to delete one using marc edit. Is this possible. Any help is
> appreciated.
> Thank you
> /Padma Palakodety/
> /Librarian/
> /Lake Forest Academy Library/
> /1500 W. Kennedy Rd./
> /Lake Forest, IL 60045 /
> /Phone: 847-615-3225/
> /Fax: 847-615-4844/
> /Email: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
> *From:* MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] *On Behalf Of *Joel Marchesoni
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 05, 2009 1:17 PM
> *To:* [log in to unmask]
> *Subject:* Re: Append data from one field to another - Email has
> different SMTP TO: and MIME TO: fields in the email addresses
> Hi Henry,
> I’m having some trouble getting this to work. It seems that if the
> field you are copying from is not a 001-009 field you can’t use a
> character range instead of a subfield. It looks to me like the tools
> to do this just aren’t there.
> Sorry I couldn’t be of more help. If you find a solution I’m sure the
> rest of the list would be happy to hear it!
> Joel
> *From:* MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] *On Behalf Of *Henry Lam
> *Sent:* Wednesday, November 04, 2009 7:49 PM
> *To:* [log in to unmask]
> *Subject:* Re: Append data from one field to another
> Hi all
> I have a similar problem and need your help.
> How to replace the data in 008/00-06 with (copy from source) 998/15-20?
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards
> Henry
> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 12:39 AM, Joel Marchesoni <[log in to unmask]
> <mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:
> Ian,
> I am sending this email to the list so the knowledge may be shared by all.
> To append data from one field to another field using this example:
> =035 \\$a12345678
> …[Fields between omitted for clarity]…
> =856 \\$uhttp://www.example.com/ <http://www.example.com/>
> 1. Open the MARC file in the MarcEditor function of MarcEdit.
> 2. Click the “Tools” menu and then “Swap Field Data”.
> 3. Under “Original Data”:
> a. In the “Field” box enter the field you wish to copy data from, in
> this case ‘035’.
> b. If you are searching for particular fields you may wish to enter
> indicators in the “Indicators” field to narrow the search by them,
> otherwise if you are making the change to all records I would advise
> leaving this field blank.
> c. In subfields, enter the subfields you wish to copy. You must enter
> a subfield here unless the field you are copying is in the 001-009
> fields. If it is in those fields, you may enter ‘a’ just for
> consistency to help remember to enter it for all fields. For multiple
> subfields simply enter each one in the field; there does not have to
> be a space between them but it will accept it if there is.
> Furthermore, if there is a subfield in some fields that does not exist
> in others enter it anyway; it will ignore it for fields that don’t
> contain it and will not create a blank subfield if the source does not
> contain data, but will copy it if data exists in the source field. For
> our example, we would enter ‘a’. DO NOT enter a ‘$’ in this box; it
> will cause an error!
> d. If you are searching for particular data to move, enter it in the
> “Find” field. We leave this field blank for our example.
> 4. Under “Modified Data”:
> a. Enter the destination field in the “Field” box, in this case ‘856’.
> b. Enter any indicators you wish to add in the “Indicators” box. We’re
> leaving this blank so that no change is made to the indicators.
> c. For the “Subfields” box, enter all of the subfields from the source
> “Subfields” box. We would enter ‘a’ here for our example.
> 5. Check the “Copy Source” box if you want the data you copy to also
> stay in the original field.
> 6. Since we are appending and not adding a new field, check the “Add
> to existing field” box.
> 7. Click “Process” and the data will be copied.
> 8. The data now in the fields will be:
> =035 \\$a12345678
> =856 \\$uhttp://www.example.com/$a12345678
> 8. If you need to undo the operation, click the “Edit” menu and then
> click “Special Undo”.
> I hope this helps with your issue.
> Joel Marchesoni
> Tech Support Analyst, Hunter Library Systems
> [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
> 828-227-2860
> P Please consider the environment before printing this email*!*
> *From:* Ian Fairclough [mailto:[log in to unmask]
> <mailto:[log in to unmask]>]
> *Sent:* Sunday, November 01, 2009 10:40 AM
> *To:* Joel Marchesoni
> *Cc:* !Ian Fairclough at Yahoo
> *Subject:* For Joel Marchesoni: MarcEdit question
> Joel,
> You very kindly provided the procedure below, on MARCEDIT-L. Can you
> also advise on this question, please? Dr. Mohan Raj Pradhan of
> HealthNet Nepal posted it shortly after your answer. I was unsure
> whether he'd received a response, so I wrote to him directly. The
> substance of his inquiry:
> I need a procedure in MarcEdit, by which data of one field can be
> appended to another field. I would highly appreciate if you could
> kindly give me detailed answer with example.
> If you won't be answering this, please let me know so I can try a
> different course. Sincerely - Ian
> Ian Fairclough
> George Mason University
> [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
> 703-993-2938 (office)
> __________________________
> 1. Open the Edit Subfield form
> 2. Enter 008 in the 'Field' input box
> 3. Enter 7:4 in the 'Position' box
> 4. Leave the 'Field Data' box blank
> 5. Enter 260|c|| in the 'Replace with' box
> 6. Check 'Move subfield data' at the bottom and make sure anything
> else is unchecked
> 7. Click replace text and it should do it!
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> message "SIGNOFF MARCEDIT-L" to [log in to unmask]
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