August 2010


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"Reese, Terry" <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 30 Aug 2010 12:02:03 -0700
text/plain (76 lines)

I had someone else who had experienced a problem trying to match with the 035.  I'm looking at some sample files now to see why there were problems and if need be, quickly post a solution.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Shana L. McDanold
> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 11:46 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: [MARCEDIT-L] merge records question
>   Hi,
> I can't quite figure out what's going wrong. I'm trying to merge two
> .mrk files using the merge records function.
> One file has full records. This is my source file.
> One file I created from a .txt delimited file. This is my merge file.
> It
> has two main elements: the 035$a and the 856 40$u associated with that
> 035. Each 856 is unique to each 035 (one-to-one relationship, no
> repeats).
> The match point is that first 035$a. My source file has multiple 035s,
> but the one I'm matching is the first (position 1).
> I want to add the 856 for each 035 into the full record in the source
> file. Simple, no? Yeah. Apparently not so simple.
> My set up:
> The record identifier, 035$a, is repeatable, matching on position 1.
> I'm merging selected fields only - the 856.
> I've also tried merging all unique data.
> I don't want to overlay because the merge file has a dummy LDR and 008
> present that I do not want.
> Unfortunately, it's not working. One of two things are happening:
> 1. the 856 in the LAST record in the merge file is being added to ALL
> the records in the source file - result of merge only 856 field
> 2. the 856 in the FIRST record in the merge file is being added to ALL
> the records in the source file - result of merge all unique data
> So, the question is how do I get each unique 856 into each record? And
> what is going wrong? Why is it merging all the same 856 data?!?
> Thanks,
> -Shana
> --
> ----------
> Shana L. McDanold
> Electronic Resources&  Serials Cataloging Librarian
> University of Pennsylvania Libraries
> Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center
> 3420 Walnut Street
> Philadelphia, PA  19104-6206
> phone: 215-746-0267
> fax: 215-573-9610
> e-mail: [log in to unmask]
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