March 2012


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Jean-Louis Oneto <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 2 Mar 2012 03:43:51 +0000
text/plain (35 lines)
Hi Terry & List,

[it seems that my first post had problems, so I try another time from a 
different address... I hope it will get through this time. I apologize 
for duplicate!]

I tried to use MarcEdit for UniMarc data. A lot of things work, but I 
have difficulties with the Z39.50 Client: I am able to do request, I get 
results, but in the preview windows, the Title column display all the 
start of the record (LDR and Directory); I tried to change the field 
number for the title to 200$a (Unimarc) instead of 245$a, but that 
doesn't make any change. Is there a way to modify that? (I have database 
profiles with Unimarc record, if you need them). Using the raw z39.50 
syntax, I can make all the requests I can imagine (even if that's not he 
easiest way to do it ), so it's rather frustrating to not be able to 
look properly at the results...
I also make a improved language file for French, if it can help some 
people (there are still Menu items that don't get translated, I didn't 
understood why...).
I began to adapt the marcrule.txt file to describe and check the Unimarc 
syntax, but I'm not sure of its correctness/completeness yet.
I don't know if tis list accept attachments, but feel free to ask me for 
Best regards,

Jean-Louis Oneto
OCA GeoAzur - Avenue Nicolas Copernic
06130 Grasse - France
e-mail: [log in to unmask]


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