October 2009


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Bryan Baldus <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 25 Oct 2009 20:02:30 -0500
text/plain (36 lines)
On Sunday, October 25, 2009 6:59 PM, Steven C Shadle wrote:
>I use MarcEdit primarily for record conversion and some record editing.  Does MarcEdit also provide any validation functionality (so for example, can you profile for a check of specific fields/subfields/indicators or certain prescribed punctuation)?  Obviously, it knows whether a not a record is a MARC record, but I'm wondering about more specific checks.  Reviewed the documentation and couldn't find any reference to this.<

Under the Tools menu, there is a command, Validate MARC Records. This does basic field validation, based on a rules file that can be modified by the user. The default rules file checks:

1xx	1	1XX: Only one 1XX tag is allowed.	####Specifies Personal Main entry.  In MARC21, only one of these fields can occur in a record.
245	1	One 245 field must be present in a MARC21 record.	####Specifies the Primary Title.  In MARC21, a record must have a 245 field.

along with validation of tag number (exists in MARC), subfield (exist for that tag), and indicators (valid for that tag).

I'm not sure how expandable the rules are, or how it would validate prescribed punctuation. For more complete checking, if you have Perl and the MARC::Record distribution, then I'd recommend MARC::Lint, MARC::Lintadditions, and MARC::Errorchecks modules [1], or, for a more user-friendly solution, MARCReport [2].

[1] MARC::Lint and MARC::Errorchecks modules are available on CPAN and Lint is also in CVS on Sourceforge:
CPAN: <>
SourceForge: <>
MARC::Lintadditions is currently only available at my website, <> (, rename to and place in the Perl\site\lib\MARC\ folder with the rest of the MARC::Record modules)
More recent versions of the 3 modules may be available upon request.
[2] <>

I hope this helps,

Bryan Baldus
Quality Books Inc.
The Best of America's Independent Presses
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