June 2012


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Kathy Rippel <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 13 Jun 2012 18:11:12 -0500
text/plain (51 lines)
I've been trying the Delimited Text Translator to prepare a small, 
sample file for exporting in to our ILS (Koha 3.6).

The spreadsheet I begin with (I've tried both OpenOffice Calc and MS 
Excel) has two columns, one for barcode and one for title.

I believe I used the Translator all right. I then did some 
modification (added 008 fields) and then created the .mrc file and 
imported it into Koha.

Everything staged just fine, but the final import does not happen.

OK, this may be a Koha problem (I'm pursuing that), but I'm afraid 
that I may be setting things up incorrectly in MARCEdit, too.

    * I saved the spreadsheet as a .csv file
    * Output file was .mrk
    * Delimiter: comma
    * I've tried the text qualifier with " and without (depending 
whether it's OO or MS)
    * Indicators for 952$p-- should I leave the // or make that box blank?
    * Do I mark UTF-8, since that's what I will be using in Koha, or 
is that supposed to apply to the original import?

I feel like I'm missing something; is there a tutorial or something 
on this function?


PS- Although I've used MARCEdit for basic purposes with success, I 
feel that this one is getting the better of me.
Kathleen D. Rippel
Dept. Head/Consultant--Resource Access and Sharing
Central Kansas Library System
1409 Williams
Great Bend, KS 67530

(620-792-4865) phone
(800-362-2642) toll-free, KS
(620-792-5495) fax

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I'm currently reading: With amusement for all: a history of American 
popular culture since 1830, by LeRoy Ashby.
I'm currently listening to: Water for elephants, by Sara Gruen.


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