April 2018


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Paul Schaffner <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mon, 16 Apr 2018 14:45:06 -0400
text/plain (75 lines)
But please be careful that the delete records you're uploading
are actually the ones you want to delete. It is a quick
and powerful way to delete records, but for that very reason
is dangerous. (It would be easy to delete your entire catalog
this way!) pfs

On Mon, Apr 16, 2018, at 14:38, Paul Schaffner wrote:
> This seems like more a Sirsi question than a MarcEdit question.
> If you're asking in general whether you can delete records in
> Symphony by uploading fresh copies with the delete bit set, the
> answer is yes: I do it all the time. If you're asking whether, once
> you've downloaded the correct records, you can use MarcEdit to
> set the delete bit, the answer is again yes (though almost any
> editor would do this). 
> Maybe the tricky question is whether there is any easy way to
> get Symphony to download only the records with no holdings.
> I *think* you can do this by using the canned report "Extract
> keys for Marc export" (under the bibliographic tab of Reports),
> select your records (unless you have some better means of identifying
> them) by choosing, under 'call number selection' number of copies = 0,
> generating a list of keys for export, then using the Marc export utility
> (under Utilities tab) to actually export them.  Once you get them
> in hand, you can see whether they correspond with the records you
> meant to delete (pull Ids from them and compare to your list).
> If so, you can then set the delete bit, whether with MarcEdit
> or otherwise, and reimport the records using the usual means, being
> careful to check the box "deleted" on the record load report when
> asked what should happen to records containing a "d" in the Leader/05.
> pfs
> On Mon, Apr 16, 2018, at 13:41, Betty Wright wrote:
> > Hello!
> > 
> > I am new to SirsiDynix Symphony and MarcEdit and wanted to know if it is 
> > possible to remove brief records from our ILS using MarcEdit?
> > 
> > The records have been identified by their Title Control Number (ex: 035 
> > (Sirsi) a597339) and have no holdings. Each record does have the 596 tag 
> > indicating the branch location. 
> > 
> > I attempted to use the Extract wizards in Workflows but I've been 
> > unsuccessful. I would like to be able to extract these records and 
> > change the LDR so they can be deleted.
> > 
> > Is this possible? Any information will be greatly appreciated!  I have 
> > been looking at videos and other guides and I haven't seen anything that 
> > answers my question.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Betty
> > 
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> -- 
> Paul Schaffner  UM Library : Digital Content & Collections
> [log in to unmask] |

Paul Schaffner  UM Library : Digital Content & Collections
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