Is anyone out there using MarcEdit to edit MARC records supplied by Alexander Street Press? I'm downloading records from their website, not from OCLC.
Alexander Street Press supplies the records in UTF-8 format but our ILS database is in MARC-8 so I have to convert them. I can't tell if the source file contains bad data or the UTF8-to-MARC8 conversion is failing. I get stuff like this, where some of the diacritics convert correctly and some don't:
=100 1\$aShostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich,$d1906-1975,$ecomposer.
=245 00$aString Quartets /$cJan{acute}aček, Szymanowski.
=511 0\$aCzech Chamber Philharmonic ; Vojtěch Spurn{acute}y, conductor.
These appear all over the record, in headings, in titles, in contents notes. I get this whether I convert the file before I make other edits or after, creating a separate converted file. Sometimes the string corresponds to spaces, dashes, quotation marks or other marks of punctuation, as if it was copied directly from HTML. But the source file in UTF-8 never has these weird strings.
I've had other people tell me that they convert ASP files to MARC-8 and don't have this problem. Has anyone on this list encountered the problem? Did you find a workaround?
I'm currently working on a file of 1183 bibs and there are 779 fields with these little landmines in them. So, not a small problem.
Thanks, Elaine
Elaine Donnelly
Cataloging Manager, Truxal Library
Anne Arundel Community College
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