February 2013


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Zach Valdes <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 21 Feb 2013 11:14:47 -0500
text/plain (122 lines)
Hi, Heidi,

I developed procedures that should accomplish what you are looking to do:

1) Once you have successfully extracted the correct ISBN into the 020 $a, 
save the file (File 1) and create an exact duplicate of the file (File 2)

2) Open File 1, select Tools -- Swap Field Data
Original Data:
Field: 020
Indicators: \\
Subfields: a

Modified Data:
Field: 999
Indicators: \\
Subfields: a
Select “Process”.

3) After clicking on Process, return to the Swap Field Utility and perform
Original Data:
Field: 020
Indicators: \\
Subfields: z

Modified Data:
Field: 998
Indicators: \\
Subfields: z

Save the file and exit.

4) Open File 2 and swap only the correct 020 (which was extracted from the 
856) into a 998 $z by entering the following:
Tools -- Swap Field Data
Original Data:
Field: 020
Indicators: \\
Subfields: a

Modified Data:
Field: 998
Indicators: \\
Subfields: z

After processing the swap, add a unique identifier to the end of your 998 ISBN 
by selecting Tools -- Edit Subfield Data
Field: 998
Subfield: z
Field Data: ^e
Replace with: (UI)
Select the “Replace Text” command.

After adding the unique identifier tag to the 998 ISBN, delete all 020s in the 
file (still File 2) by selecting Tools -- Add/Delete Field
Field: 020
Select the “Delete Field” command.

Save the file and exit.

5) In the MarcEdit main menu, select Tools -- Merge Records:
Source File: File 1
Merge File: File 2
Save File: Create new file name (File 3)
Record Identifier: 001
Select “Next”
Select the “Merge and overlay all data” option. Select “Next” to run the merge.

6) Open the newly merged file (File 3), select Tools -- Add/Delete Field
Field: 998
Field Data: (UI)
Select the “Delete Field” command.

7) In the same file, run the following field swap:
Tools -- Swap Field Data
Original Data:
Field: 999
Indicators: \\
Subfields: a

Modified Data:
Field: 020
Indicators: \\
Subfields: a
Select “Process”.

8) After clicking on Process, return to the Swap Field Utility and perform
Tools – Swap Field Data
Original Data:
Field: 998
Indicators: \\
Subfields: z

Modified Data:
Field: 020
Indicators: \\
Subfields: z

You should now have the correct ISBN in the 020 $a field and all other 020’s 
without duplicates in the 020 $z fields.

If this is a process you will be performing frequently, I recommend saving the 
functions into before/after merge tasks to reduce processing time.


Zach Valdes
Assistant Professor,
E-books & Special Formats Cataloger
Newton Gresham Library
Sam Houston State University
Phone: (936)294-2512
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Sam Houston State University
A Member of The Texas State University System


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