Very smart! Seems so obvious now. Thank you very much, that really will do the job!
Elaine Sanchez
Alkek Library
Texas State University-San Marcos
San Marcos, TX 78666
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From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters [[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Doug Rippey [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2010 6:42 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Sorting records in MarcEdit file: sort by given field and value?
There may be an easier way, but I believe this will work for you. It results in two new files (one for each record source)
while the original file intact.
-----<Step 1>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Make sure your data are in correct MarcEdit format, i.e.
=915 \\$aPromptCat
=915 \\$aMarcive
Import your mixed source file, setting the display field to 915, and search a record source:
You will now have only the Marcive records on screen in the MarcEditor window.
Save As a new file, perhaps “Marcive_Extracted.mrk”
-----<Step 2>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Re-open the original file, and search the other 915 term and export:
You will now have only the PromptCat records on screen in the MarcEditor window.
Save As a new file, perhaps “PromptCat_Extracted.mrk”
Doug Rippey
Cataloging Technician IV
Penrose Library Serials Dept.
303.668.7669 (mobile)
University of Denver
From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Sanchez, Elaine R
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2010 2:47 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [MARCEDIT-L] Sorting records in MarcEdit file: sort by given field and value?
We need to be able to sort and extract records, from a single file of records, using 2 criteria in the MarcEdit file, and then to create two separate and distinct files based on the sort/extract results. Or, just somehow to create 2 files from one larger file, by using a specific field content to identify and extract the necessary records. Here's the background, and what we would like to know how to do:
We will be sending bib records, obtained from two different sources, in a single file, to an authority vendor. We differentiate these records' source by using a 915 field in the corresponding records, for these two record sources:
915 PromptCat [for one record source, added to each record]
915 Marcive [for another record source, added to each record]
We want to do this as it will help us re-load them as 2 separate files into our system upon their return from authority processing, so as not to mix them together in our first-use headings report.
How can we do this? I tried to use the "sort by" tool, but this won't achieve what I'm looking for.
I tried "select individual records to make" in the edit menu, and marking and extracting the records based on the 915 field. This function did export the ones identified as I wanted into a separate file, but the original file remained the same, as the records I just exported were not removed from it. I really need two completely separate files, each with the records from one source, only, based on the 915 field content.
The help feature for this in MarcEdit says:
If a user checks the Resave modified records in source checkbox, the source file will be modified. The selected records will be removed from the source file, and re-inserted when the modified records are saved. A back-up of the original source file is stored in the Application Directory under the name: xia2me.tmp.
But this seems to say that the records will always be re-inserted into the source file, which is what I’m trying to avoid. I’d like to 2 distinct, non-overlapping files.
Any way to do this? Thanks for any help.
Elaine Sanchez
Texas State University-San Marcos
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