At the present time, the only MARC bulk download that is available
(from LC) is through our Cataloging Distribution Service.
As you noted in your email, XML bulk downloads are available at
Search access of LCSH is available at
and, via Z39.50, at
See the following document for more information about Z39.50
Please contact me directly if you have additional questions.
On Fri, 4 Mar 2011, Hans BKK wrote:
> I'd like to pre-load my ILS with the LoC Authority records for Subject
> headers before starting to catalog, for a more efficient workflow,
> compared to looking them up and downloading them one at a time.
> When doing the latter, http://authorities.loc.gov/ clearly states they
> are available as MARC records, but looks like only one at a time. Also
> here: http://id.loc.gov/authorities/
> http://id.loc.gov/download/ seems to be the place for bulk
> downloading, but the formats offered don't include MARC!
> Their preferred format seems to be RDF-XML.
> Is there a plug-in or some other way to batch convert this data into MARC?
> As a side issue, I came across some mentions that MarcEdit will allow
> for LCSH term lookups using OCLC's Terminology Service. I haven't
> found anything along these lines in MarcEdit nor at the web site - was
> that just an experiment that never made it into code?
> If none of the above pans out, any general suggestions on getting
> access to the LCSH authorities in Marc, if not in bulk then a quick
> way to get them one at a time:
Larry E. Dixson Internet: [log in to unmask]
Network Development and MARC
Standards Office, LA327
Library of Congress Telephone: (202) 707-5807
Washington, D.C. 20540-4402 Fax: (202) 707-0115
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