> By the way, I'm sure once your tool is shipping, there will be requests to
> allow authority MARC downloads, at least manually.
This is up to OCLC and their terms of service. This isn't anything technically to not allow it outside of OCLC's throddling procedure that I believe kicks in at 5K records. However, the terms of service for many of their services does state that they are not to be used for record downloads -- however, with the development I've been doing -- we are breaking new ground -- so it's hard to say what OCLC will allow going into the future.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [log in to unmask] [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 8:44 AM
> To: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters
> Cc: Reese, Terry
> Subject: Re: [MARCEDIT-L] LoC Authority records
> OK, thanks for answering Terry. In the meantime someone contacted me
> off-list offering to send me batches of authority records in MARCXML format.
> Apparently they've got pretty good QC procedures, so I'm hoping they'll be
> pretty clean - although obviously a certain percentage will be obsolete.
> Can anyone tell me how to tell the difference between say Subject Heading
> records as opposed to Form/Genre ones, or Geography vs Names?
> They all look the same, except for the presence of certain fields and
> absences of others, there doesn't seem to be a tag that says "This is an X
> type of authority record"??
> By the way, I'm sure once your tool is shipping, there will be requests to
> allow authority MARC downloads, at least manually.
> Since OCLC and LoC are making money selling this data, I can understand that
> allowing bulk downloads may be a sensitive area. What about a "specified
> batch" process where the user provides a simple text list of terms, and your
> tool batch downloads the authority records with exact matches, outputting a
> list of "didn't match" for them to then correct and download manually.
> Just an idea. . .
> On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 9:43 PM, Reese, Terry <[log in to unmask]>
> wrote:
> > This question about converting the LC rdf data to Marc has come up
> before. Yes, you could do it, no it won't be useful because the dataset won't
> look anything like the Marc records.
> >
> > In terms of the OCLC service, this likely wouldn't solve your problem
> either. This is a tool being build to provide subject/names validation, not to
> retrieve Marc records.
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