March 2011


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Doreen Herold <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 29 Mar 2011 09:48:02 -0400
text/plain (42 lines)
Greetings everyone,

I wonder if anyone else has experienced this and, if so, if there was any
solution.  I'm thinking this might be a problem with our ILS (we have SD
Symphony) but wanted to check here to see if anyone else came across this.

I used the MarcEdit Z39.50 client to capture records from our catalog.  I
ID'd the records through a base URL and, in doing so, captured both serial
and book records.  From my results of 900+ records, I extracted 127 serial
records, edited them, and then loaded them into my local test server.  The
report of my load noted that there was a problem with the leader in the
records.  I had never had an error like this before and, when I took a look,
it seemed as if the leader for the serial records was coded differently than
what is in my catalog (the leader for the books looks fine).  For example,
comparing one record as it is coded in my catalog with how it is coded once
it is in the MarcEditor:

CATALOG                   MARCEDITOR
Position  Code             Code
06          a                  |
07          s                  b
08          blank             a
17          3                  S
18          blank             u

The code for position 05 is also confusing.  I actually can't see what the
code is in my ILS but, in the MarcEditor, it's m (though there is no valid
code m for that position).  Again, for the book records, the codes look fine
in the MarcEditor (but, again, I can't see what they are originally in my ILS).

Is anyone familiar with this as a problem?  Or have any suggestions for
solution?  I was thinking that, before loading the records in my production
server, I could protect the leader but I wouldn't want to do that because
the record length would be different.  I'm not sure what to do.



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