I hate to say this, since I seem to harp on this theme, but
since replacing newlines is a standard function of ordinary text
editors, as well as global-replacement apps like PowerGrep, to
say nothing of Perl, why not use one of them? I.e., use TextPad
or EditPad Pro or Notepad++, applied to the mnemonic files?
In older versions of TextPad, for example, you get the additional
benefit that its regex engine treats newlines as a class of
characters, rather than a particular character, so replacing
\n([^=]) with \1 will work regardless of whether the file uses
0A, 0D, or combinations thereof.
On Mon, 11 Oct 2021, at 12:30, Cab Vinton wrote:
> Hi, All --
> My regex searches for carriage returns -- \r\n, \r, \n -- are all
> being returned empty.
> The record structure validator is able to identify these as malformed
> fields, so I'm wondering if there's another way of doing this so we
> can do a simple find & replace. (We have a number of records where
> catalogers copy & pasted lengthy plot summaries into the 520.)
Paul Schaffner
University of Michigan Library : Digital Content & Collections
Jackson College : Library Technical Services
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