October 2021


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Lisa Hatt <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 1 Oct 2021 11:57:54 -0700
text/plain (27 lines)
On 10/1/2021 10:24 AM, Fox, Chris wrote:

> Hi everyone, Is there a way to extract a set of records based on
> length of a field?  I've got a file of records that, when I ran it
> through Validate Record Structure it indicated that I have lots of
> 505 fields that are too long.  I'd like to get rid of these 505s
> without deleting the ones that are a normal, acceptable length. 

I don't know if there's a way to do this directly, but an inelegant 
workaround perhaps... I do manual editing of long 505s, and what I do to 
detect them is export tab-delimited of the 001 and the normalized 505 
and import that into Excel. Then in the third column I use the formula 
=LEN(B2) (etc, fill down) which calculates the character length of the 
505 field. Then I can sort by that length and find the ones that are 
over a certain threshold. If you wanted you could then take the relevant 
identifiers from the first column back into a text file to use as a FILE 
search in Extract Selected Records.

Lisa Hatt
Cataloging | De Anza College Library
[log in to unmask] | 408-864-8459


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