MARCEDIT-L readers,
A few concerns:
1) Another huge snowfall is forecast for the D.C. area. My Wife is also headed this way (It's vacation time for us, till Wed. Feb. 10), her flight rescheduled to leave Columbus (Ohio) at 6:30 AM tomorrow rather than mid-afternoon. We expect to be snowed in and holed up for much of her stay. What this means for y'all is: If you have a technical question or concern, by all means send it, but I personally may not deal with it until a week from now. Send any concerns to the MARCEDIT-L-request address and perhaps Nathan will handle it. Otherwise, please be patient.
2) Sue Bermann said in a recent post "Let me apologize up front in case others think this is basic information...." No apology necessary. Elementary questions are encouraged. I wish I could see more of them on the list. Thanks for posting, Sue!
3) It's come to my attention that not all messages are being distributed. If you posted to the list and didn't see your message, please check the archives If your message is there - it was distributed but you didn't get it. If it's not, do contact us. I hope to investigate further and will send a message to Autocat to alert people.
4) PTPL (Potomac Technical Processing Librarians) folks are still working on setting up another MarcEdit workshop with Terry Reese in the D.C. area in late April.
5) This list has been remarkably free of non-topic posts, for which I thank everyone. Let's hope we can keep it that way! One tip: If a message contains wording such as "Please excuse multiple postings" then it probably is not appropriate to send it to MARCEDIT-L.
6) Having said that,Philip Young of Virginia Tech recently set up another list, on Batch Processing, appropriately named the BATCH list (BATCH Discussion List). You can subscribe to it here [log in to unmask] Since MarcEdit is one of several means of Batch Processing, you may wonder to which list to send your post. Please choose which one seems more appropriate for your purposes and post there. If the emphasis is on use of MarcEdit, here is the place; if on batch-loading in general, use BATCH. But please, choose one list and have all your discussion on it!
That's all for now folks. Thanks for reading - Ian
Ian Fairclough
George Mason University
[log in to unmask]
703-993-2938 (office)
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