May 2020


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"Short, Daniel W" <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 14 May 2020 14:49:40 +0000
text/plain (178 lines)
To be sure you don't match on an 856 url, make it a little less greedy by adding your 245 indicators.


Daniel Short
Cataloging and Processing Coordinator
Library Services
North East ISD

-----Original Message-----
From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Seth McQuale
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2020 9:40 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [MARCEDIT-L] regular expression help needed

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A potential problem I've encountered with expressions like:

Find: (=245.*)(\.)(\$c.*) the possibility that there very likely could be a "=245" inside an 856 field, and the replacement command could wind up editing, say, an ebook's URL.
I realize the caret negates, but there must be some way to use the caret as the necessary start-of-string character here (I left my regex book at work).

Seth McQuale, MSLIS
Systems Librarian
New York Institute of Technology
Wisser Memorial Library, Room 112
Old Westbury, NY  11568-8000
[log in to unmask]
(516) 686-1164 [fax (516) 686-1320]

On 5/14/2020 9:19 AM, Terry Reese wrote:
>  >> Find  ^245.*(\.)‡c.*$
> This expression won’t work because you are missing the “=” sign that starts fields.
> The ^ is going to invalidate the expression.  I also would do it differently.
> Find: (=245.*)(\.)(\$c.*)
> Replace: $1 /$3
> For the second one – you just need to use a limiter
> (=008.{2})(.{23})(.)(.*)
> If you are looking for something specific in position 23, you’d change (.).
> Remember, positions in marc start at zero, regular expressions they start at 1.
> $1$2[replace character here]$4
> --t
> *From:* MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters 
> <[log in to unmask]> *On Behalf Of *Laura Morrison
> *Sent:* Thursday, May 14, 2020 8:55 AM
> *To:* [log in to unmask]
> *Subject:* [MARCEDIT-L] regular expression help needed
> Hello all,
> I am attempting to edit some bib records in MarcEdit and need help 
> with two different regular expressions. The first one is editing the 
> 245 field, and, the second one is editing the 008 field.
> First regular expression help needed with:
> My library gets our Overdrive records from the Overdrive Marketplace. 
> All of these records have a period instead of a slash in front of the subfield c in the 245 field.
> I am trying to find a regular expression that will ignore everything 
> up to that period, then replace that period with a space and a slash.
> For example,
> 245 10 Gone with the wind$h[electronic resource].$cMargaret Mitchell. 
> changes to 245
> 10 Gone with the wind$h[electronic resource] /$cMargaret Mitchell.
> I plan to use Find and Replace unless someone else has a better idea.  
> What I have come up with so far is
> Find  ^245.*(\.)‡c.*$
> Replace  / (with a space in front of the slash)
> Second regular expression help needed with:
> Same records from the same place.  All of the 008 fields are coded for 
> electronic resource, but our library needs them to be coded for online 
> in order for the display icons to work correctly.  I know the position 
> that I want to change is the 23 position in both book records and 
> sound recording records. It seems like there should be a very simple 
> solution for this but my brain is not able to come up with it at this time.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance. Hope all are well and safe.
> Laura S. Morrison
> Catalog Librarian
> Spartanburg County Public Libraries
> 151 S. Church St.
> Spartanburg, SC 29306
> 864-596-3500 ext 1281
> Fax 864-596-3518
> email: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
> URL: 
> eQ_0O1ufxMvloAf1WkOiD9gtwAjCYnBdjfKGZiSzlMIvxujriT4aK8UKd2-LWudOLfNAzg
> vnw8ZxgKqct2wgNBUJbijI6MpencD7yugeYZSoeaPNw2PscRI_3gEX9QVhuycPm6vbfdsN
> Z6__ySDqvd0-txdxvvXPuamBst3hpJfA5VHs5BYHhkUh1oLXbaDB8IR4usEf4iBBP-srkq
> Ty3D1lQ85CErESAcPi3yvwgQAgeuVNcW_vJLwENmgogt0knMOGTTSG1ZfG0gkDj7vJQv6w
> M1SJZZcD-6CEATA2hY9aZTSjim2_Oci2WpoAx5o4DLLdZOvTZ3Bss4SQ8p-pRTaJYzcUMY
> g20SKG4rK7DD9--pFocl6XaSf1rekrYxI12qz6hOz20P2dhQZnIwF0ZLF3t3JLPOWVi1bg
> 44Ck_RfbQ/http%3A%2F%2F
> <
> -quON-SWdMWDoGRBitondD_7UbF5MYkFOW1zHjf2tWC0SIk54fLVHE_Dj9CNIZ5pngWPeV
> AAwBCTfZilNMpy9eXCWQSNhoBtlUV75UQnh6W9cMDeACuCOIomBezJpxNSit9FFg9jkENk
> u1WqYJ6oV26xaBJ-b-ablyiEj7LzsU5mUljHtp1xsiH5XUvCBU9pn6vbmWN2PH1kc4Ezw9
> QYgxy9FUe1xY-NufA4SWBHxWBBBuX7_dMoIR4vdqn8ecMVt3PATTrwWX9G5N_DqJkbTuaE
> BVSFc4R7x9pc1zPmt2a5AlfFMdK0bihXnzDqB561dcs02krfkPBlBX4HbkYUW1gwKwC3NC
> MZBeDCq6fw/http%3A%2F%2F>
> /"If you can't find it, you don't own it."/
> /"The Librarian, whose job is to heal ignorance, to keep life safe for 
> poetry and to put knowledge smack dab in the middle of the American 
> way."--From The Philadelphia Inquirer, editorial page, /
> /(9-20-03)/
> //
> /"Any opinions expressed are those of the individual and may not 
> reflect the opinions or policies of the Spartanburg County Public 
> Libraries."/
> //
> /P//Please consider the environment before printing this email./
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> __ This message comes to you via MARCEDIT-L, a Listserv(R) list for 
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