Maybe this is obvious, just in general (not specifically to MARCedit) any time that you have a bunch of records and two conditions to apply, the quick and dirty solution is to search for condition 1, extract and isolate those records, then search the extracted set for condition 2, and then extract and isolate those, and apply your changes to those alone.
E.g., I just searched the latest batch of 250,000 ProQuest Ebook records for =082 ..\$a78 and isolated the 2,379 records that matched; then searched those for a second condition (it couldn't quite be yours, since these records don't use lcgft). I searched instead for \$[vx]biography in the 650s, and came up with 382 records. Took 20 seconds. I can then isolate those and make whatever changes I want to those, using whatever tool or editor is convenient.
Paul Schaffner | [log in to unmask] |
Digital Content & Collections, Univ of Michigan Library
On Wed, 3 Apr 2024, at 18:48, Ann Ryan wrote:
> Hi All
> I’ve swung and missed at this a couple of times – so am now consulting
> the experts.
> I want to use the Build a new field functionality – to create a new
> field with specified content, based on the presence of a different
> field.
> Specifically:
> I want to create an alterative classification number (927.8) in a new
> field (099) – when the 082 classification begins with 78, AND there is
> a lcgft genre heading for Biography/Autobiography)
> I can do the first part – but I’m stumped on the last bit
> Is this something that someone else has done?
> I could probably do the two bites of the cherry solution (create the
> alternative classification MARC field, then use Replace all to modify
> it based on the presence of the Bio/Autobio genre).
> But I’d rather a more elegant solution – if one is possible.
> Thanks for the help
> Ann
> *Ann Ryan** *
> Cataloguing Manager - Development
> *Wheelers *
> <>
> *P* +64 9 479 7979 *EXT* 222 *F* +64 9 479 7949
> 211 Wairau Rd, Glenfield
> PO Box 305404, Triton Plaza, Auckland 0757
> [log in to unmask]
> *logo3a*
> *From:* MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] *On Behalf Of *Teresa Weisser
> *Sent:* Thursday, 4 April 2024 10:38 a.m.
> *To:* [log in to unmask]
> *Subject:* [MARCEDIT-L] Validate Headings change?
> Hi,
> Has anyone else noticed a change in the way the Validate Headings
> feature is working for the Authorize 1XX/7XX fields option?
> A significant percentage of names that are in the authority file are
> now being returned as “not found.” I have noticed this in the past for
> names with diacritics, but the names that I have been checking this
> week lack diacritics. Many of the names are in the format: Lastname,
> Firstname, MI, but there are other variations as well. An example is:
> Barnett, Amanda E. This name was not found when I ran the report but
> is in the NAF in that form. Has anyone else experienced this?
> Thanks,
> Teresa Weisser
> Cataloging and Metadata Librarian
> Millersville University of Pennsylvania
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Paul Schaffner UM Library : Digital Content & Collections
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