January 2011


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"Timothy M. McCarthy" <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 4 Jan 2011 14:03:43 -0500
text/plain (75 lines)
Hi Terry,

I tried the new merge feature with a file of 879 records.  Two records 
didn't merge and the differences were:

Record #1 had an 008/23 of o instead of s and had CAPITALIZED first 
letters of each word in the 245 $b.

Record #2 had an 008/23 of o instead of s, a 245$a variation.

It seems this verifies that the merge match did what you said it would.  
Very exact matching.  I think it would be great to turn some of those on 
or off if I was trying to match and just add an 856 or some content 
notes, but it's still a nice addition to this awesome tool!

Thanks very much and Happy New Year to all!

Timothy M. McCarthy
University at Buffalo
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On 2:59 PM, Reese, Terry wrote:
> <pre wrap>
> As I noted, the new merge option will be implemented in 2 parts.   
> This first part will merge data from two separate files using a more 
> heuristical approach.  To use it, select MARC21 from the control field 
> box (see below):
> Items used for matching:
> *         LDR position 6
> *         LDR position 7
> *         008 date 1 and date 2
> *         008 lang
> *         008 form
> *         245 a-n
> *         300
> *         250a
> *         260b
> *         776w
> Anyway, give it a spin and let me know what you guys think.
> --TR
> [cid:image001.png@01CBA577.15F5C270]
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