November 2020


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Lisa Hatt <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 3 Nov 2020 19:33:33 -0800
text/plain (32 lines)
I believe the 004 field, which contains the control number of the 
related bibliographic record, is unique to MARC holdings. Have you tried 
using that as a display field for Select MARC records? It doesn't matter 
what's in it, just its presence or absence should distinguish between 
holdings and bibs.

On 11/3/2020 12:11 PM, Sandra O'Dea wrote:
> Thanks Terry for your suggestions. I have tried using exact word
> match however I still get more records than required. I am a novice
> with regex so unsure how I could use the boundary with my file of
> control numbers to delete/extract the holding records I need to
> delete. I have manually deleted some of the holding records and using
> 'Find Text' the records I deleted are definitely not in the file,
> however interestingly the total number of records in my file have not
> reduced?
> Can anyone please suggest the process they would take to delete
> holding records from a file of interleaved bib and holding records?
> Thanks

Lisa Hatt
Cataloging | DeAnza College Library
[log in to unmask] | 408-864-8459


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