July 2018


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Kevin Robbitts <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 19 Jul 2018 10:53:36 -0400
text/plain (24 lines)

We run a few scripts to help us make some batch edits to our electronic book records that have suddenly begin to experience a VBS script error as of yesterday; I was wondering if anyone might have any insight on this error. The error first popped up yesterday, and I had used the scripts as recently as Tuesday night and they were working fine.

The error points to a line in the code and says "The system cannot find the file specified", followed by an error code of 80070002. The line of code referred to is the following:

Set obj_MB=CreateObject("MARCEngine5.MARC21")
lret=obj_MB.MarcFile(source, dest)

As far as I can tell, no changes were made to this script in the interim. I tried recreating the script with the ScriptWizard and found that any script I now create and try to run develops an error on this part of the script. I had originally interpreted the error as being unable to find the file to process, but I tried a number of time to move the files to different folders / make sure the file path was correct and that made no change to the error.

Thanks for any insight,

Kevin Robbitts
Lane Memorial Library
Head of Technical Services
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