December 2021


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Carlos Lopez <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 9 Dec 2021 22:48:56 +0000
text/plain (37 lines)
Hi Lori

I'm by no means an expert but it seems to me that if you can output bibliographic data as a spreadsheet (which you should be able to do with MySQL) you can then use MARCEdit to turn that into MARC. Beyond that, and without a lot more information about your database structure, I don't think I personally could help (though others might be able to do better).

With kind regards from the Dalton McCaughey Library Team

Carlos Lopez

Dalton McCaughey Library | 29 College Crescent, Parkville, VICTORIA 3052
Ph: 03 9340 8888 ext.1 | [log in to unmask] | 

-----Original Message-----
From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Lori Fenton
Sent: Friday, 10 December 2021 7:01 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [MARCEDIT-L] How do I convert SQL to MARC?

Our Music Department is sunsetting their old Linux MySQL database/"circulation system." We want to integrate their holdings into our Innovative Sierra catalog. I feel like MarcEdit is probably capable of doing this; I just have no clue where to begin. Can someone point me in a useful direction to accomplish this?

Thank you,

Lori R. Fenton, MLS
Collection Development Manager/Serials Librarian
Washburn University Mabee Library
1700 SW College Ave
Topeka, KS 66621


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