September 2016


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Harry Loren Stamper <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 15 Sep 2016 16:13:51 -0400
text/plain (27 lines)
  I'm not an advanced user of MARCEDIT, so bear with me! Until now, I had never tried to use the Merge Records function, but now I need it and for some reason I don't seem to be getting anywhere. 

  I have two files of records representing the same resources:  File 1 contains OCLC records, which I'm using as my source file; File 2 contains records created in MARCEDIT with MARCEDIT-generated local control numbers. I would like to, at the very least, get the merge file control numbers into the source file (there is also other data in the merge file I'd like to keep, but would be happy just getting those control numbers in the source file).  The locally created records were added in error during a project to catalog a large set of materials that was not in OCLC. It turned out that a small portion of the records had actually been done as originals on OCLC years before.

  I've put the merge file control numbers in an 035 tag and am simply trying to get them into the source file. But no matter what I do, they don't show up in my save file. I have tried every possible combination of:  using file 2 as the source file and merging in file 1; selecting fields to merge and not selected any fields to merge (hoping it would just combine everything and let me dedupe the save file); checking the "Merge Unique Items" box and leaving it unchecked. I've tried using the MARC21 merge option, and I've tried using a particular tag as the record identifier (I created a dummy record identifier in the 020 (none of these have ISBNs) using the series numbering and tried to match on that.  In the MARC21 option, I've tried customizing the fields and not customizing the fields.

No matter what I do, I cannot get that 035 in the merge file to show up in the save file.

Am I mistaken about what the merge records function is supposed to do?  Am I missing something that's right in front of my face?! 

Also, I noticed that using the MARC21 record identifier option does not bring up the "Step 2" screen in Terry's Mar. 1, 2014 YouTube video on the merge records function:  that screen offers 3 options:  merge all unique data, merge and overlay data, and merge selected fields. (Is this what Terry's WorkLog post of July 21, 2015 is referring to--was that screen taken away?)

Sorry for the long-winded post, but I have spent hours on this and need some help!  

Harry Loren Stamper,
Head of Technical Services
University of San Diego
Legal Research Center
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, California 92110


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