MARCEDIT-L readers,
Forwarding this message on behalf of a correspondent having trouble with his subscription. Please reply either to the list or directly to Vasso as below. Sincerely - Ian (co-listowner)
Ian Fairclough
Cataloging and Metadata Services Librarian
George Mason University Libraries
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Happy New Year to all of you!
Our library here in Bristol acquired a collection of children's books with their AACR2 records in an excel spreadsheet. I used the Delimited Text Translator and I now have a .mrk file with the 008 as created by MARCEdit, and the original 008 from which I need to copy the: date(s), illustration details, and country and language codes, and then delete it.
I am new to MARCEdit and haven't yet familiarise myself with regular expressions, so I do not think that I could come up with a nice formula, or formulas, to do this automatically. Could anyone, please, suggest a way to me, or write the appropriate regular expression(s)?
Most books are published in the UK and are in English and therefore I added these details in the MACREdit 008. So, most records would need the type of date and date(s) (06, 07-10, 15-17) added into them. Is there a way whereby I could automatically ask the program to get the date from the 260 $c and add it in the 008/07-10 for instance?
Also there is a 546 in each record, where the language, e.g. German, or French is recorded. Is there a way to retrieve records by the word denoting the language in this field, and then ask the program to put the right language code in the 008 field?
l may have to correct each of the 1600 records manually, but thought, in case there is an automated way, I would save valuable time.
Any suggestions most gratefully accepted. I could send a sample of the records if needed.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Dr Vasso Frangeskou
Assistant Librarian (Cataloguing)
Arts & Social Sciences Library
Working hours: Monday, Tuesday, and am Friday
Tel. (0117) 3318115
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