Hi All,
The delimited text translator seems to be truncating longer fields .
Example - this is a long subtitle which was in the spreadsheet -
secundum jura gentium, romanorum leges, & imperij germanici constitutiones sine noxa instituendo : von Durchzuegen der Kriegs-Voelker ... quoties milites, quavis occasione, aut quocunq : tempore, per aliorum territoria, aut sines aliquis ducere velit, transitus hujusmodi instituatur ejus, adqvem milites pertinent, sumptu, sine malesicio, damno & noxa eorum per quorum territoria ducuntur.
This is what came out in the MARC file -
secundum jura gentium, romanorum leges, & imperij germanici constitutiones sine noxa instituendo : von Durchzuegen der Kriegs-Voelker ... quoties milites, quavis occasione, aut quocunq : tempore, per aliorum territoria, aut sines aliquis ducere velit, tr
When I look at the whole 245 field it comes to 350 characters exactly (with spaces) so I wonder if this is a maximum?
Thanks so much,
Bruce Eames | Library Systems Administrator ILMS / BONUS+ Coordinator
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