August 2011


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"Reese, Terry" <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 18 Aug 2011 12:13:23 -0700
text/plain (48 lines)
If you use the Subfield Edit tool, you want to replace the text with nothing.  That's probably the easiest way to remove the data.  If you can assume that "T " is the first value in the subfield, and occurs nowhere else in the subfield you are working with, you could:
Field:  [your field]
Subfield: [your Subfield]
Field data: T 
Replace with: [leave blank]
Click Replace Text. 

MarcEdit will replace the specified text with nothing -- essentially deleting it.  If you hit remove text, it will delete the field (though that seems like a behavior change to me -- because I tried first to just remove the text as well -- I'll look at my code repo. to see if that's the case).


-----Original Message-----
From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Nora Blake
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 12:10 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [MARCEDIT-L] Removing the first two Characters of a Subfield


I'm fairly certain I had a process for this laid out somewhere, but I cannot duplicate it now.  I have a set of records with barcodes of varying lengths.
All the barcode numbers start with a T and a space and I need to remove those.  When I use the edit subfield tool the process simply removes the entire barcode rather than the starting T and space.

What do I need to do to get rid of the T and space but keep all the rest of the barcode number?



Nora Blake
MassCat Manager
Massachusetts Library System
P.O. Box 609
South Deerfield, MA 01373-0241
508-357-2121 x123
Email: [log in to unmask]
AIM: noraatmls 


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