February 2010


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Alexandre Moradell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 3 Feb 2010 21:42:28 +0100
text/plain (73 lines)

I just tried yesterday this type of query on BNF !

So here it is with two examples :

@and @attr 1=1003 "Fillol" @attr 1=4 "Histoires du bout de la rue"

=> meaning author = Fillol and title=Histoires du bout de la rue

 @and @and @and @attr 1=1003 "Fillol" @attr 1=4 "Histoires du bout de la rue" @attr 
1=1018 @attr 4=6 "Ecole" @attr 1=31 "1975"

=> meaning first query and publisher containing Ecole and date = 1975

everything on the same line and don't forget "

@attr 4=6 means a word in publisher's name
@attr 1=31 is secondary, you can't use it alone.

so if you have 3 arguments you have 2 @and / @or in front of your query.

its like RPN


Alexandre Moradell

<[log in to unmask]>

Date sent:	Wed, 3 Feb 2010 15:11:04 -0500
Send reply to:	MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters
             	<[log in to unmask]>
From:	Benjamin A Abrahamse <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:	Z39.50 batch search with Boolean operators
To:	[log in to unmask]

    I would like to be able to use the Z39.5 client that comes with MARCedit to do 
    batched searching of OCLC. I can get it to work with a simple query, i.e.:
    @attr 1=4 "Title"
    For example, I´d like to be able to search [TITLE (bib1 index 4) and PUBLISHER 
    (index 1018)].
    But I´m not having any luck crafting more complex queries. I can´t seem to find any 
    documentation anywhere, and the OCLC Z39.5 docs are not very useful with 
    respect to formulating actual queries.
    Any help would be appreciated!
    Benjamin Abrahamse
    Head, Serials Cataloging Section
    Cataloging and Metadata Services
    MIT Libraries

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