April 2017


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"Harden, Jean" <[log in to unmask]>
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MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 28 Apr 2017 17:20:37 +0000
text/plain (22 lines)
When I start with an Excel spreadsheet and convert the data it contains to MARC records, I often want spaces between the pieces of data in different cells, but I can't figure out how to tell MarcEdit to put a space. 

For example, I have one cell that has a number and the next cell says a string of words. Let's say I have 4 in one cell and "pages" in the next, or 6 in one cell and "unnumbered pages" in the next.

What comes out in the MARC record is 4pages and 6unnumbered pages. How can I get the Delimited Text Translator to put a space between the data in one cell and the data in another? (It keeps spaces that are internal to the data in a cell.) Even if the spreadsheet has the initial or following space, the Delimited Text Translator removes it.

I am currently on version 6.2.6183.1320. This is not the latest version, because getting updates is a big hassle, given the way our computers are locked down. Downloading an update means contacting IT and getting a tech to come up to my office to download the update. But if an update would make this work correctly, it would be worth the hassle.

Thanks for any help.


Jean Harden
Coordinator of Music Technical Services
University of North Texas
Denton, TX  76203
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